Welcome back
I humbly introduce myself as the principal of St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School. I am eager to travel this journey in Catholic Education with you. Some families may remember me as a teacher at St. Patrick from 2015-2018. I also grew up in the St. Patrick neighbourhood until I was 15 years old and I am a graduate of Cathedral High School. It won’t take you long to notice that I live the school pledge and that I am truly St. Patrick proud.
As a devout Catholic leader, my priority is to nurture the student’s relationship with God and guide students in realizing the Catholic Graduate Expectations. My goal is to help nurture all relationships in our community. Relationships develop when time is spent and invested. My students will have daily encounters with Jesus, through scripture and prayer, through reflection, and through encounters with each other. Like every good teacher and parent, sometimes I will lead by example, and other times I will observe and be present for my lost sheep. My second goal is to inspire each individual to reach their potential and provide the necessary tools to reach that potential.
We are committed to Believing, Achieving and Serving.
We believe that Christ is at the center of our school life and culture so that each student can realize the fullness of their humanity and live out the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations.
We achieve greatness through our commitment to improving engagement, using research based instructional and assessment practices, as well as technology as a learning tool, in response to individualized student learning needs and interests.
We serve ourselves and others. The staff provides a healthy, safe, accepting and inclusive learning environment where students feel connected, valued, empowered and engaged. We aim to recognize our gifts and strengths and use them to serve others.
We are grateful to the pastoral team at St. Patrick Parish. Along with Father Tony, Father Jarek and our staff, students will be provided with liturgical activities, masses, sacramental preparation and opportunities to serve our community as we continue together on our faith journey.
I look forward to meeting all the various members of the school community (parents, guardians, grandparents, community partners). Communication is key! I invite you to become involved and to contact me with any questions, affirmations, or suggestions.
Yours in Catholic Education,